Welcome ToThe Disruptive Innovation Maturity (DIM)
What Is Disruptive Innovation Maturity (DIM)?
Disruptive innovation describes those innovations that create new markets by discovering new categories of customers. They do this partly by harnessing new technologies but also by developing new business models and exploiting old technologies in new ways. Disruptive innovation differs from sustaining innovation, which mainly is about improving existing business models, products or services.
The 'Innovator’s Dilemma', a term coined by Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen, describes a situation which established companies face and their difficult choice between holding onto an existing market by doing the same thing a bit better, or capturing new markets by embracing new technologies and adopting new business models.
The disruptive innovation maturity describes the company´s readiness and capabilities to deliver such disruptive innovations. We have identified the 10 most relevant areas that need to be taken into account when thinking about the why, how, what, where and by whom of disruptive innovation.
Better Be Prepared:
Assessing Your Disruptive Innovation Maturity (DIM)
Better re-invent yourself before anyone else does: our DIM self-assessment lets you discover your disruptive innovation maturity indicator by just answering 30 questions. The assessment covers 10 areas of action, which have carefully been developed from latest state-of-the-art academic and professional sources. As all areas are interconnected, we decided to score the 10 DIM areas individually, but finally create a coherent report by means of our visualised 'DIM Score Radar'.
Your DIM Report
The disruptive innovation maturity report (DIM Report) will give you an indication about your current DIM status quo. Use your 'DIM Score Radar' to identify most relevant areas that need to be improved or re-considered first, when it comes to improving and developing your disruptive innovation capabilities. Your maximum DIMscore can be 100.
Enjoy your self-assessment journey and learn more about your company's disruptive innovation maturity (DIM):